My Story
From Skinny to Buff.
My name is Eliass and this is my blog.
What Is It About?

I started as a side project in 2022 focusing solely on helping all ectomorphs out there that are struggling with being skinny and managing their body type (hence the name).
However, this blog slowly developed into something much bigger! It now focuses on everything related to fitness in general, especially how you can change your body and kickstart your own transformation journey following the same methods that I used.
Whether you want to lose or gain weight, I’ve got you covered! Unlike what most fitness blogs and “gurus” do, I never sell false information just for my own benefit and I tend to be as transparent as possible. So sharing the most correct information is my top priority.
But How Did I Get to This Point?
It all started back in 2015.
I remember I was 15 years old, 5 feet 8 inches and weighed about 100 pounds which is extremely skinny considering my height.
People would always make fun of me and say comments like: “are you malnourished?”, “don’t your bones break when you walk?” “oh my god, you ate so much food you didn’t leave anything to us”, I used to always laugh it out but deep down it got to me hard. I was constantly getting bullied in school and it got to a point where I preferred to just stay home, play video games all day, and avoid social interactions altogether. I also avoided any situation that required me to be shirtless like going to beach or the pool.
Overall, I was really struggling hard with being skinny and just accepted the fact that was going to stay like this my entire life.

Until I Decided to Change My Life

The struggle was getting to a point where I couldn’t stand it any more.
Am I really gonna stay like this my entire life? Is there really nothing I can do? I remember one day i was scrolling through the internet like usual, watching random youtube videos and something caught my eye instantly.
It was video of a guy that looked exactly like me (had the same build that I had) that managed to transform his body in three years. I was baffled, all sorts of thoughts came into my mind: “Is that really possible”, “Can I do it too?”, “Am I finally gonna break this curse?”
After three whole years of discipline, dedication, extreme hard work, and most importantly, patience, I also managed to transform my body and I’ve never looked better in my entire life.
It Was the Beginning of Something Great
Even though I still have a long way to go in my fitness journey, I decided to start this blog to share everything I learned so far and to give you the most accurate information.
I hope that oneday, becomes a blog that’s trusted by millions of visitors and compete with the biggestfitness websites out there.
If you made it this far, I appreciate the time that you took to read this and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m here to help you overcome all the struggles that comes from being skinny or overweight but also wantto be your friend. I respond to every email I get and I’ll gladly hear your story!
Thank you for reading!