Being skinny is one of the toughest challenges that you can face in life and I know exactly how it feels since I’ve struggled with it my entire life. It doesn’t matter what you eat, the amount of calories that you consume every single day, or how hard you train, putting on extra kilos just seems like an impossible task. In most cases, when this happens, you either get demotivated and accept the fact that you’ll never gain weight or end up setting unrealistic goals by looking for shortcuts that will allow gaining a certain amount of weight in just a couple of days. With that being said, how can you gain 5 kg weight in 15 days?
Gaining 5 kg weight in 15 days is next to impossible since, at most, the body is only capable of gaining 0.5 to 1 kg naturally per week. However, setting that challenge for yourself is a good way to push yourself to gain the maximum amount of weight possible.
In this article, we’ll talk about if it’s possible to gain 5 kg weight in 15 days, and why it’s considered a good way to challenge yourself.
Table of Contents
Is it Possible to Gain 5 Kg Weight in 15 Days?

Before answering the question, I need to make a little disclaimer about the whole purpose of this blog. In order to deliver the most accurate answer to any topic, I always tend to be as transparent as possible and not spread any misinformation and sell you unrealistic goals that are simply not possible just for the sake of this website.
My sole purpose is to present information that has been proven to work based on my own experiences, logic, or science.
No matter what you hear on the internet or what those fake fitness gurus are telling you, gaining 5 kg weight naturally in 15 days is very unlikely to ever happen, and here is my reasoning behind it:
Based on Science
So you want to gain 5 kg in 15 days, correct? This means that you’ll need to gain 2.5 kg every single week or approximately 0.4 kg per day.
When you hear the phrase “most efficient way to gain weight”, the first thing that’ll probably pop into your mind is eating a lot of calories every single day, or, in other words, reaching a calorie surplus (which is when you consume more calories than your body is capable of burning so that excess is stored as fat and you end up gaining weight). So using this method, what’s the most kilos of weight that you gain per day?
In order to answer this question, let’s break down a little experiment that was done by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. They overfed a certain amount of people with 50% more calories than what their bodies are capable of burning, in other words, a 50% calorie surplus which comes down to an extra 1300 calories per day on average for every single one of them.
What they concluded is very interesting, you’d think that an extra 1300 calories will make you gain 2 or 3 kg per day but in reality, what really happened is that they ended up gaining only 1.3 kg of weight which translated to 0.1 kg per day.
And 1.3 kg in two weeks is no way near the ambitious goal of 5 kg in 15 days.
Setting 5 kg in 15 Days as a Goal
Even though gaining that amount of weight in two weeks is next to impossible and will realistically take almost two months (and that’s only if you consume an extra 1300 calories every single day which is really hard so it can take a lot more time), setting that challenge as a goal is a good idea.
Do you know what’s the one thing that we humans enjoy the most? Setting a bunch of hard and unrealistic challenges to ourselves. Have you ever wondered why you woke up one day and decided to get abs in just a single week, get rich in a month, or make the girl of your dreams fall in love with you? None of these will ever happen (except for the last one, I believe in you!) but you still set new challenges every single day.
It’s simple, that’s the only way for our minds to stay motivated and for us to keep working hard in order to achieve or at least get as close as possible to those goals. If you say “I want to gain 1 kg in a month”, then you’ll set boundaries in your mind and be satisfied with a small achievement. However, if you say “I want to gain 10 kg in 2 weeks”, even though it’s unrealistic, you’ll probably make the most progress compared to any other goal in your life.
How to Gain 5 Kg Weight in 15 Days
Even though you see that heading, you probably know that what I really mean is how you can get as close as possible to that goal. If you really keep setting that challenge for yourself, then you’ll realistically gain about 2 kg (still clutch but it’s possible) weight during that period which is not bad at all. Here is how you can do it:
Eat More
I know that this is the most hated phrase for skinny people and I used to hate it myself when I was skinny but as soon as I found out that it was the main reason behind all my struggles, it completely changed the game for me and I managed to gain a lot of weight.
If you’re like what I used to be, then you probably think you’re currently eating enough calories or even more than what you need, however, what’s really happening is that you’re not even reaching 70% of what your body really needs.
Not only will you need to up that to 100%, but you’ll also need to go beyond that in order to reach a calorie surplus. If you seriously want to gain weight, then I highly recommend adding an extra 1300 calories to your diet. This way, you’ll certainly reach the 100% that your body needs and have extra energy to be stored as fat.
Change Your Diet
Eating more doesn’t imply that you can stuff a bunch of junk food simply because it’s an “easy” way of adding extra calories. You’ll only gain a bunch of unhealthy fat that will make you look even more terrible (skinny fat).
What you really need to be doing is focusing on a high-calorie diet that provides all the necessary nutrients that your body needs (protein, carbs, and healthy fats). A diet like this one will not only help you gain weight in a healthy way, but it’ll also teach you some good habits that’ll benefit you in the long term.
Increase Daily Meals
As I mentioned earlier, reaching that calorie surplus isn’t going to be an easy task. Sticking to the usual 3 meals per day isn’t going to cut it anymore, instead, you should increase your daily meals and spread them out throughout the whole day in order to keep your body full on fuel and energy the entire time.
Start Weight-Lifting
Weight-lifting or any other form of resistance training is a good way if you want to pack on some extra muscles instead of just gaining pure fat. This method of activity will also make you even more hungry, especially after your workout sessions, which means that reaching those extra 1300 calories every single is going to be much easier.
Other factors
Eating more, following the right diet plan, and starting some form of resistance training is more than enough to get close to the goal of 5 kg in 15 days, but there are some extra things that you can do like:
- Consuming calories as liquids (like protein shakes) to reach a calorie surplus in an easy and fun way
- Use some supplements like creatine (not a necessity)
- Get enough sleep
- Eliminate stress that can cause weight loss
There is one more factor that’s way more important than all the other ones mentioned, and that’s staying motivated. No matter what you decide to do, if you’re not motivated enough to keep going and pushing through your weight gain transformation journey, then you’ll never be able to overcome any. Setting the goal of 5 kg in 15 days should be more than enough to keep you motivated.