Being fit is one of the best things that you can do for both yourself as a whole and for your body especially. It’s a great way to develop good habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, and more importantly, impress everyone around you with a great physique. One of the common signs of a fit body is having a shredded six-pack, however, in some cases, these abs can be pretty uneven. What do people think about them? in other words, are uneven abs attractive?
Most people, especially those that aren’t used to training, don’t even notice if abs are uneven, and even if they do, having abs alone, no matter their shape, size, or symmetry is attractive.
In this article, we’ll talk about what girls think about uneven abs, if they’re considered attractive, and how common are they.
Table of Contents
Are Uneven Abs Attractive?

Before answering this question, there is one important piece of information that you need to know: most abs that people have are uneven. Having 100% symmetrical abs is extremely rare. Most pictures of fitness models that you see with perfect abs have been edited to look that way or taken at an angle where you can’t see the unevenness. If you have uneven abs, then you’re actually part of the majority.
With that being said, does that mean that these types of abs aren’t attractive? I have abs myself and they’re pretty uneven. However, I’ve never got any negative comments about them, all I get is compliments and how nice they look.
The majority of people don’t even know what uneven abs are, especially those that aren’t used to training or leading a fitness lifestyle in general. Just the fact that you have abs, no matter how they look, will grab everyone’s attention and make you look attractive.
The most attractive part of having abs isn’t necessarily the way they look, but the effort, time, and discipline that it took you to get them. When girls see a guy with abs, they don’t think about how symmetrical they are or if the right ones are bigger than the left ones, the first thing that comes to their mind is that the guy they’re looking at knows how to reach his goals and if he can take care of his body this well, then he’ll know how to take care of girls.
What Do Girls Think? [Poll]
As I mentioned in the beginning, most people barely notice the fact that abs are uneven. In order to verify this statement, I decided to gather the opinions of girls from different sources (friends, forums, youtube videos…) when asked the question “what do you think of uneven abs?” and came up with 119 answers. The results that I got are very interesting!
There were a bunch of different opinions but they can all be generalized into three main ideas:
- “I didn’t even know that abs can be uneven” (85)
- “Abs are abs, It doesn’t make a difference for me” (32)
- “I don’t like uneven abs” (2)
Here is a visual representation of the results if you’re more of a visual learner:

As you can see, out of all answers, only two girls didn’t like uneven abs which is an extreme minority. The majority of girls either don’t know what uneven abs are or it doesn’t make a difference to them.
People aren’t really picky when it comes to abs, the most important thing is that you have them in the first place. It shows that you’re someone capable of reaching your goals, sticking to a strict routine, and leading a fitness lifestyle which are all attractive traits that women look for.
How Common Are Uneven Abs?
Uneven abs are pretty common. In fact, having perfectly symmetrical abs is extremely rare, and trying to make them even and symmetrical is next to impossible since it all comes down to genetics.
As I mentioned in the beginning, having symmetrical or even abs has unfortunately been normalized in today’s fitness world, especially with all those models that you see on Instagram or in fitness magazines. Most of them don’t really have symmetrical abs, they either get edited out to look perfect or positioned at an angle that hides any unevenness.
Uneven abs are perfectly normal and if you have them, then you’re part of the majority. Most people don’t even notice them and just having abs alone makes you stand out from the rest no matter their shape, size, or symmetry.
At the end of the day, abs are abs, it’s not your fault if they are asymmetrical, it’s just genetics. If people can see them, that’s impressive alone, evenness isn’t really required and it’s rarely noticed. And to top it off, even seeing abs isn’t required for most girls. All that matters is that you’re happy with what your body looks like. If you have visible abs, that’s something to be proud of.