F45 training has been rising in popularity these last couple of years. In fact, As of 2021, F45 was the only class-based franchise company that was ranked in the top 40 fastest-growing franchises in the world. Additionally, it was ranked #1 as the world’s fastest-growing gym franchise. These impressive milestones didn’t just come out of thin air, the fitness center has deserved every single bit of it. And that’s because they take a unique approach to training and working that isn’t used in most gyms. Instead of coming up with your own workouts, they do that for you and provide you with unique daily classes that are fun and intense. With over 50 different workout routines, you’ll never feel demotivated to train again. One of these workouts is called the F45 Checkmate workout, what is it about? How is it performed? And is it challenging?
The F45 Checkmate workout is a hybrid-style routine that consists of 3 pods focusing on strength, cardio, and AMRAP. The last pod follows a very distinctive pattern of sets, exercises, and reps just like a chess game (hence the name).
In this article, we’ll talk about what an F45 Checkmate workout is all about, if it’s hard, and give some examples of how it’s performed.
Table of Contents
What is the F45 Checkmate Workout?

Before learning all there is to it about this particular workout, it’s important to note something that F45 Training is known for.
Not only do they offer the best custom workout for their members which are fun, intense, and innovative, but they always manage to come up with the best names for them.
There is probably a workout for any cool name that you can think of (not really, but you get my point). You have things like Renegade, Wingman, Bears, Triple Threat, The Joker, 3-Peat, Pipeline, 22, Quarterbacks, and of course, the Checkmate workout.
It’s true that sometimes, these names are selected just because they look cool and are eye-catching like Moon Hopper for example, but the majority of the time, they give a slight preview of what the workout is gonna be about. And this one, in particular, falls slightly into the latter category.
As we all know, a checkmate is a position in chess in which a player’s king is directly attacked by an opponent’s piece or pawn and has no possible move to escape the check. In other words, being in a checkmate position means that you won the game. But does this have to do with the workout?
Well, there are a couple of possibilities. First of all, at the end of the session, you’re gonna feel like you’ve just been checkmated by the workout itself because of its intensity.
Another possibility is the pattern that you follow throughout the workout which is based on an organized system in terms of reps and time which kinda feels like a chess game.
Anyway, the F45 Checkmate workout is a hybrid-style routine that consists of 3 very different pods: the first one focuses on strength, the second on cardio, and the last one on AMRAP (as many rounds as possible).
The third pod in particular follows a very distinct pattern in which you do 4 exercises using one set piece of equipment.
Members will start by doing 2 reps, then 4, then 6, and so on, and will have 2:30 to complete the exercises followed by a 15-second burpee session (this cycle repeats 5 times).
Here is everything you need to know about this workout:
- Stations: 12
- Pods: 3 (1 strength, 1 cardio, 1 AMRAP)
- Laps: 2 laps for pod 1, 1 lap for pod 2
- Sets: 1 set for pod 1, 2 sets for pod 2
- Timing: 60 seconds of work/25 seconds of rest
- Miscellaneous: Pod 3 is all AMRAP with one set piece of equipment and 4 exercises. Members will start at 2 reps of everything, then 4,6, etc. they will have 2:30 to complete this and then 15 seconds of burpees. This cycle repeats 5x.
F45 Checkmate Workout Examples:
Here are two examples of what an F45 Checkmate workout will look like (keep in mind that this may look different depending on your studio).
Workout Example 1:
- Ultimate timing: set 1 – 60 work / 20 rest, set 2 – 60 work / 30 clean / move, pod 3 – AMRAP + 15 seconds of burpees every 2:30, 2 x 60-second hydration breaks
- Normal timing: pod 1: 60/25 1 set 2 laps, pod 2: 60/25 2 sets 1 lap, pod 3: 4 exercises AMRAP for 2:30 + 15 seconds burpees after every 2:30
- Ski Erg Standing
- Bike Erg Seated
- Balance Trainer Reverse Burpees
- Slides 10 X Mountain Climber 10 X High Knees
- Suspension Trainer Close Grip Row + Pulse
- Kettlebell Double Clean + Forward Lunge
- Ybell Side Lunge Single Arm Under Grip
- Dumbbell Incline Press 5 Left + 5 Right
- Plate Sumo Squat + Bicep Curl
- Plate Chest Push Overhead Press
- Plate Weighted Sit Up
- Plate Single Leg Deadlift
- Burpee
Workout Example 2:
- Same format as example 1
- Rowing Machine
- Bike Seated Sprints
- Bench Hop
- Speed Sprawls
- Chin Up Overhand Grip
- Kettlebell Rack Squat
- Ybell Double Supinated V Push-Up Top Grip
- Barbell Romanian Deadlift
- Dumbbell Snatch Single From Hang Position
- Dumbbell Goblet Squats
- Dumbbell Sprawl + Unilateral Power Pull Burpee
- Dumbbell Russian Twist
- Burpee
If you’ve never done an F45 Checkmate workout before and are not sure what to expect, then I hope this article made it more clear for you. Just remember that if you find it too difficult or too easy, you have full flexibility to go lighter or heavier depending on your physical ability. And if you’re not sure how an exercise is done, just ask the trainers there and they’ll be glad to help.
All that matters is that you have a solid workout and push your body to its fullest potential.