Plyometrics is one of the most useful methods of training that improves power, speed, agility, and muscle coordination. It’s a unique technique that revolves around exerting a maximum amount of force during short periods of time in order to build up explosiveness in the muscles. Although you can perform this training without using any equipment, it is highly recommended to use plyometric boxes which are considered the foundation of plyometrics and one of its most essential building blocks. And if you’ve been on the lookout for these plyometric boxes, you may have noticed that they all share one evident attribute, and that’s the fact that they’re so expensive and you’re probably wondering why is that the case.
The main reason why plyometric boxes are so expensive is that they take up so much space in terms of storage and are so difficult to ship. In addition to that, the demand for them is pretty low which increases the price.
In this article, we’ll talk more in-depth about the main reasons why plyometric boxes are so expensive as well as some alternatives that you can try.
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The Main Reasons Why Plyometric Boxes Are Expensive

There are many reasons why plyometric boxes are so expensive. Manufacturers don’t just raise the price of a product without a good cause. Remember that their only goal is to satisfy the demand of their clients and make a profit at the same time. Here are the most evident reasons behind the bumped-up prices:
They Take Up so Much Space in Storage
When it comes to business, one of the most important factors to consider in order to have a successful one is to have good control over your storing units. I’m talking about those massive compartments that store all the excess products that are not ready to be shipped yet.
As I mentioned earlier, the main goal of manufacturers is to make as much profit as possible while using minimum resources. Plyometrics boxes are kinda big, so they naturally take up a lot of space in terms of storage. The average size of a plyo box is about 20” by 30” and has a height of approximately 24”, and that’s the case for only one of them. Most of them are sold in form of different layers with different heights so they really take up space.
In the world of business and in terms of storage especially, space is really valuable. You’re pretty much sacrificing a spot that can include a lot of small products to make up space for a single plyo box. So that’s why, in order to not lose a single penny, manufacturers tend to increase their prices.
They’re Difficult to Ship
Shipping is also one of the most important factors in any business since it’s the main link between manufacturers and customers. And shipping rates are determined according to two main components: the weight of the package, and its dimensions.
Shipping carriers like FedEx, USPS, and UPS will calculate their shipping rates based on whichever value is greater out of those two.
For example, if a product weighs less than its volume (length times width times height), they’ll use the dimensions to calculate the price instead of the weight. That’s because even though a product weighs nothing, it can still take up so much space on a delivery truck if it’s too big.
And as I mentioned earlier, plyometric boxes are pretty big. Not only do they take up so much space in terms of storage, but also while being shipped. That’s why they cost so much more to ship compared to other fitness products.
And for this exact reason, manufacturers will logically increase their prices in order to minimize the losses.
The Demand For Them is Low
Even though plyometrics is a pretty popular form of training, not everyone uses plyo boxes. There are some people that perform it without any equipment and others that just use the ones available in their local gym. This makes the demand for these types of products really low which results in an increase in terms of the price. You may think that low demand should make the prices go lower but not in this case for some reason.
What Are The Best Alternatives to Plyometric Boxes
Even though plyometric boxes are expensive, they shouldn’t stop you from performing this unique method of training. Plyometrics aren’t limited to plyo boxes only, there are many alternatives that you can try and that pretty much give the same results.
The first and most apparent alternative is to not use any equipment whatsoever. You can still have a great plyometrics workout only using your own body (I’ll leave a video at the end of the article).
Another alternative is to use the equipment at your local gym. However, I understand that not everyone has access to it and even if they do, not all gyms have them available.
One of the best substitutes that you can use is a simple bench. It’s true that it’s not high enough, especially if you’re used to jump training but it’s better than nothing.
You can also use stairs, but you need to be extra careful to prevent injury, use the steps that are nearest to the ground.
And last but not least, a couch will do a great job in supporting your jump training. It’s soft and tall enough so it’s perfect.
As a side note, you can also make a DIY plyo box which won’t cost you much compared to the actual prices of these types of fitness equipment.
As you can see, plyo boxes are expensive for a good reason since they take up so much space, they’re super hard to ship, and the demand for them is kinda low. However, there are some great alternatives to them such as a simple bench, stairs, a couch, or a DIY plyo box.