Can Anyone Be Skinny?

Oftentimes, when people start a journey that requires a lot of effort and where the results take a lot of time to start showing, they tend to develop a lot of doubts and questions about if what they’re doing is actually correct or if they’re just wasting their time. This also includes body transformation journeys, especially weight loss ones that require a lot of hard work. If you’re about to go through your own or already started one and you’re barely seeing any noticeable results, I’m sure that you already have a lot of questions like “Will I ever be thin?” or “Can anyone be skinny?”

Anyone can be skinny. All humans, if deprived of excess food while leading an active lifestyle will eventually become skinnier. The only reason why it seems impossible for some is that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to cut weight, which is not something that anyone can do.

In this article, we’ll talk about if anyone can be skinny, and why losing weight seems so impossible.

Can Anyone Be Skinny?

can anyone be skinny

Before answering this question, I’ll talk about a little inspirational story of one of my closest friends. Since I went through my own body transformation journey (from being extremely skinny to muscular), along the way and through my actions (everyone was motivated by the amount of work that I was putting in every day), I managed to encourage a lot of my friends to kickstart their own fitness transformations. Some wanted to gain weight just like I did and others wanted to lose it.

One friend, in particular, was extremely overweight. He was 5 feet 8 and weighed about 190 pounds which was a lot considering his height and age. And just like the majority of overweight people, he thought that he would never be able to lose weight, especially since he tried all the “correct methods” out there, and just decided to give up and accept the fact that he’ll stay overweight for the rest of his life.

After seeing the amount of work that I was constantly putting into my weight gain journey, he suddenly realized that everything that he did in order to lose weight was nothing. This motivated him to get back on his journey, triple the efforts that he used to put in, and to this day, he managed to lose about 30 pounds and he’s still going at it. 

So what did we learn from this little story? Anyone can lose weight if you put your mind to it. As I mentioned in the beginning, all humans are capable of losing weight if they’re deprived of excess food (calorie deficit) while leading an active lifestyle (weight-lifting, cardio, and so on).

Why Losing Weight Seems Impossible?

There are several misconceptions about losing weight that make it seem like it’s impossible:

It Takes Longer Than You Think

There isn’t a “secret method that all trainers don’t what you to know so they don’t lose their jobs” that will make you lose weight. Weight loss transformations take a lot of time and probably longer than what you currently think.

It’s not gonna happen in 3 or 4 months, it takes years of hard work and dedication before even noticing visible results.

When something takes a lot of time, we humans that are constantly looking for instant satisfaction avoid it as much as possible which is why most overweight people think that they’ll never be skinny.

Lack of Discipline

Do you know what’s worse than something that takes a lot of time? Something that takes a lot of time and requires a lot of hard work and discipline simultaneously. Weight loss will never happen if you don’t put your 100% into it.

The journey will come with its own struggles, doubts, and hardships so when people that want to lose weight find out that the road ahead is challenging, they prefer to just avoid it altogether, accept the fact that they’ll stay overweight their entire life, and end up coming up with questions and doubts like “can anyone be skinny?” or “weight loss is impossible”.

Body Acceptance

I remember one day, on my way to the gym, I was listening to a public radio that was talking about body acceptance (how ironic), how American culture enjoys making fun of fat people, and how everyone should let overweight people be who they want to be simply because losing weight is “impossible” for them. 

I’m not saying that they’re wrong and that we should actually make fun of them but there are a lot of misconceptions about weight loss. Is it really impossible for them to lose weight? Why? because of a condition? Of course, that’s totally possible but the majority of people aren’t plagued with any sort of condition that makes weight loss impossible.

Body acceptance should not be an excuse for people to give up exercising and taking care of their bodies. 

Will You Ever Be Thin?

Anyone can be skinny without an exception. Weight loss being impossible is just an illusion that the majority of people tend to use to avoid working hard and taking care of their bodies.

Losing weight relies on two important factors, discipline, and a calorie deficit. No matter how much you weigh, if you discipline yourself enough to follow a strict routine that involves training, dieting, and developing healthy habits, you’ll eventually become skinny. 

The internet is full of success stories, progress pictures and videos, and people who have managed to achieve their fitness goals even though they thought that it was impossible. What makes you any different from them? If anyone can do it, why can’t you?

When you’re just starting out, it’s so easy to get into that loophole of analysis paralysis where you do deep research about body mechanics, rep ranges, types of exercises, methods of training, HIIT, pilates, and focus on little details that aren’t necessary at the beginning of your journey. Pick a basic program that covers all the essentials and just start. It takes a lot of time to get to the finish line so why prolong the start?


I hope this article made it clear to you that there is no exception to losing weight and that the majority of people can do it. The road ahead will be super challenging, but that effort makes the reward that much sweeter. 

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