
tired guy in the gym

Do Ectomorphs Recover Faster?

Unlike the other body types, building muscles as an Ectomorph doesn’t come easy. In order to become stronger, faster, and more fit, you have to push your body to its limit. And of course, give it a good amount of rest time. Those tough gym sessions will stress, fatigue, and tire out your body, causing

Do Ectomorphs Recover Faster? Read More »

shocked guy gestures height with hands

Can Ectomorphs Be Short?

People that have an Ectomorph body type are commonly known to be tall, lean, and skinny. This can lead us to the logical conclusion that it’s impossible for an Ectomorph to be short right? If you’re short and notice that you have some of the features that Ectomorphs tend to have, you will probably ask

Can Ectomorphs Be Short? Read More »

man working out with weights in the gym

Should Ectomorphs Lift Heavy?

Lifting heavy is often considered the optimal solution in order to build muscle mass, especially for skinny people that struggle to put on weight. Is that the same case for Ectomorphs? You’re probably reading this article because you’re an Ectomorph, and you probably often ask yourself this question: “Should Ectomorphs lift heavy?” As an Ectomorph,

Should Ectomorphs Lift Heavy? Read More »

bodybuilder resting on the ground

Are Ectomorphs Rare?

Whenever you go out, how often do you come across people that tend to be tall, skinny, lean, and with little body fat? I’d say it’s pretty often. These are the characteristics of an Ectomorph body type. Now the question remains, are Ectomorphs rare? Skinny people, in general, are pretty common. Ectomorphs on the other

Are Ectomorphs Rare? Read More »