F45 All-Star Workout [Everything You Need to Know]

F45 training has been rising in popularity these last couple of years. In fact, As of 2021, F45 was the only class-based franchise company that was ranked in the top 40 fastest-growing franchises in the world. Additionally, it was ranked #1 as the world’s fastest-growing gym franchise. These impressive milestones didn’t just come out of thin air, the fitness center has deserved every single bit of it. And that’s because they take a unique approach to training and working out. Instead of coming up with your own workouts, they provide you with unique daily classes that are fun and intense. With over 50 different workout routines, you’ll never feel demotivated to train again. One of these workouts is called the F45 All-Star workout, what is it about? How is it performed? And is it challenging?

The F45 All-Star workout is a strength and resistance-based routine that consists of 4 pods with 3 stations each of the best-performing exercises (hence the name). You move around the room following a timing of 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest with a hydration break after completing each pod.

In this article, we’ll talk about what the F45 All-Star workout is all about, if it’s hard, and some examples of how it’s performed. 

What is the F45 All-Star Workout?

F45 all-star workout

One of the most exciting things about F45 Training is the fact that they always manage to come up with the most unique names for their workouts. They’ll probably have a workout for every cool name that you can think of.

You have things like Redline, Quarterbacks, Pipeline, Miami Nights, Varsity, Empire, 22, 3-peat, Abacus, and of course, the All-Star workout.

And sometimes, these names aren’t just made up randomly just because they look cool, they all have a hidden meaning that indicates what their corresponding workout will actually be about, but other times, it’s the complete opposite, they select names based on how eye-catching they look, like the Moon Hopper workout for example. 

In the case of this particular workout, I couldn’t find a direct correlation but it sort of gives a slight hint to the exercises and it still sounds and looks cool.

The way I like to think about is this: All-star refers to a team that is composed wholly of outstanding performers, or in our case, it will refer to a workout that is composed of excellent exercises that perform well in terms of benefits and overall fitness. 

The F45 All-Star workout is usually held on Tuesdays which means that it’s a strength day. It’s a strength and resistance-based routine that consists of 4 pods with 3 stations in each pod. The way you move around the room is you do 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest

You do 1 set at each station and 3 laps around each pod. 

Here is everything you need to know about this workout:

  • Stations: 12
  • Pods: 4
  • Laps: 3 per pod
  • Sets: 1 per station
  • Timing: 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest
  • Miscellaneous: 45-second hydration break after completing each pod.

F45 All-Star Workout Example:

Here are two examples of what an F45 All-Star workout will look like (keep in mind that this may look different depending on your studio).

Workout Example 1:


  • 4 pods
  • 3 stations per pod depending on what your gym is doing
  • 1 set per station, 3 laps


  • Station 1A: sandbag 45° lunge
  • Station 1B: DB front squats
  • Station 1C: Spri Ball prone leg curl (hammies)
  • Station 2A: TRX wide grip rows, overhand grip
  • Station 2B: DB bent over fly
  • Station 3A: DB flat bench fly
  • Station 3A: DBall good mornings
  • Station 3B: KB Romanian deads to tempo
  • Station 3C: power band front squat with pause and waiter grip
  • Station 4A: BB Hoffman press
  • Station 4B: step incline narrow pushup to rotation
  • Station 4C: prone plates sub scap fly

Workout Example 2:


  • Timing: 40/20 3 laps


  1. Sandbag Bear Hug Squats
  2. Kettlebell Step Trainer Bulgarian
  3. 5 X Jackknives + 2 X Flutter Kicks
  4. Suspension Trainer Hamstring Tucks
  5. Barbell Sumo Deadlift
  6. Ybell Double Clean Outer Grip
  7. Push Up 1 1 2 Variation
  8. Dumbbell Swiss Ball Chest Press
  9. Medicine Ball Straight Leg Hold
  10. Dumbbell Bench Incline Pull
  11. Revo Front Raise
  12. Deadball Combo Curl + Press


If you’ve never done an F45 All-Star workout before and are not sure what to expect, then I hope this article made it more clear for you. Just remember that if you find it too difficult, just ask the trainers there to help you out or make it less intense and they’ll be glad to do it.

All that matters is that you have a solid workout and push your body to its fullest potential. 

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