F45 has been rising in popularity these last couple of years since it provides a unique training experience for its members that seems to be working for a lot of them. Instead of the typical and somewhat boring gym routine where you have to come up with your own workouts, F45 does that for you so you don’t have to worry about it. With over 50 different workouts that are all different and unique, you’ll never feel bored or demotivated to train since you’ll constantly be experiencing something new. One of these workouts is called the F45 NoHo, what is it about? How is it performed? And is it worth it?
The F45 Noho or North Hollywood workout is a 60-minute hybrid-style workout that consists of 18 different stations with resistance, bodyweight, functional, agility, and plyometric exercises.
In this article, we’ll talk about what the F45 NoHo workout is all about, if it’s hard, and some examples of how it’s performed.
Table of Contents
What is the F45 NoHo Workout?

One of the best things that make F45 unique and stand out from other fitness studios is the fact that they always manage to come up with the best names for their workouts.
There is probably a workout for any cool name that you can think of. You have things like Renegade, Empire, Varsity, Tokyo Disco, Triple Threat, Redline, and of course, NoHo.
It’s true that sometimes, these names are selected just because they look cool and are eye-catching, but the majority of the time, they give a slight preview of what the workout is gonna be about.
If you didn’t already figure it out, NoHo stands for North Hollywood which is a neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, located in the San Fernando Valley of the United States.
Although in this instance, the term “North Hollywood” doesn’t really give any hints about the objective of the workout, having a name that represents a city is a recurring theme among F45 Training just like the Docklands workout (which is a city in Australia), and Miami Nights.
The F45 Noho or North Hollywood workout is a 60-minute hybrid-style routine that consists of 18 stations. These stations include resistance, bodyweight, functional, agility, and plyometric exercises.
One of the most challenging things about this workout is the timing since it changes from one lap to another. It goes from 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest to 60 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest and then back to the first timing.
Here is everything you need to know about this workout:
- Stations: 18
- Pods: 1
- Laps: 3
- Sets: Lap 1 – 2, Laps 2 & 3 – 1
- Timing: Laps 1 & 3 – 20/10, Lap 2 – 60/20
- Miscellaneous: 30-second hydration break in between laps.
F45 NoHo Workout Examples:
Here are two examples of what an F45 NoHo workout will look like (keep in mind that this may look different depending on your studio).
Workout Example 1:
- 1 Pod, 18 Stations Per Pod, 2 People Per Station
- 3 Laps per Pod, 1st lap: 2 Sets 20 on/10 off; 2nd lap: 1 Set, 60 on/20 off; 3rd lap: 1 Set, 20 on/10 off
- Battle Ropes 555
- Burpee
- Dumbbell Flat Bench Press
- Dumbbell Alternate Forward Lunge
- 10 x Mountain Climbers + 2 x Shoulder Taps
- Bike Hover
- Chin Up Underhand Grip
- Kettlebell Burpees
- Medicine Ball Jump Squat
- Dumbbell Tricep Kick Backs
- Deadball Overhead Slams
- AB Wheel
- Rowing Machine
- REVO 10 x Shuffle 2 x Squat Jump
- Soft Box Explosive Step Ups
- Balance Trainer Plank Cross Overs
- Seal Jacks
- Sled push
Workout Example 2:
- 1 pod, 18 stations, 3 laps
- Lap 1: 2 sets – 20 secs on / 10 secs break
- Lap 2: 1 set – 60 secs on / 20 secs break
- Lap 3: 1 set – 20 secs on / 10 secs break
- Push-Up With Alternative Knee Tuck
- Seal Jack Squat Jumps
- Rower
- Bike Seated
- Revo Bar Overhead Sit-Up
- Deadball Slam With Side To Side Cone Shuffle
- Bosu Ball Push-Up
- Alternative Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
- Revo Bar Lunges (Holding Revo Bar In Each Hand And Forward Lunge)
- Fast Feet With Box Hop Over (Similar To Bench Hop Over But Is The Black Boxes)
- Weight Plate Glute Bridge
- Seated Row With Resistance Band
- Squat With Alternating Overhead Press (Using Plates)
- Mountain Climbers And Shoulder Taps
- Medicine Ball Feet Up Crunches (Feet In The Air And Crunch Trying To Touch Feet With Medicine Ball)
- Ice Skaters And Heel Taps
- Explosive Steps Up On Each Side (Aerobic Step In The Middle And Explosive Steps Up Each Side)
- Sled Push Cone To Cone
Is the F45 NoHo Workout Hard?
As I mentioned in the beginning, one of the hardest things about this challenge is the variation of the timing combined with the 3 sets.
So during the first lap where you’ll have 2 sets and 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest, you’ll feel great and so will your body.
However, when you’ll get to the second lap which has 60 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest, things aren’t going to look as bright as they used to. You’re really gonna feel the burn and you’ll need to push your body to its limit if you want to survive the rest of the workout.
During the last lap where the timing goes back to what it was in the first lap, you’ll have the ability to cool down a little bit and catch your breath but not for too long.
So this makes the NoHo workout at F45 Training one of the hardest.
If you’ve never done a NoHo workout before and are not sure what to expect, then I hope this article made it more clear for you. Just remember that if you find it too difficult or too easy, you have full flexibility to go lighter or heavier depending on your physical ability. And if you’re not sure how an exercise is done, just ask the trainers there and they’ll be glad to help.
All that matters is that you have a solid workout and push your body to its fullest potential.