F45 has taken the fitness world by storm these last couple of years since it managed to come up with a unique approach to working out, an activity that’s hated or straight-up ignored by a lot of people. Instead of going to a typical gym, creating your own workout from scratch, or following a random one on the internet, F45 does that for you and provides you with unique daily training routines that are fun and intense. With over 50 different workouts to choose from, you’ll never feel the boredom of performing the same thing over and over again. Every day, a different workout is selected and you get to join several other members for an amazing session. One of these workouts is called the F45 Triple Threat, what is it about? How is it performed? And is it challenging?
The F45 Triple Threat workout is a routine that consists of 12 different stations and that follows one simple rule: the number of repetitions that you do during the first set of a station, you double it during the second, and triple it during the third.
In this article, we’ll talk about what an F45 Triple Threat workout is all about, if it’s hard, and some examples of how it’s performed.
Table of Contents
What is the F45 Triple Threat Workout?

Since you’re reading this article, that probably means that you’re already familiar with F45 Training, and if that’s the case, then you know that they always manage to come up with the most unique names for their workouts.
You have things like Empire, Tokyo Disco, Redline, Pipeline, Quarterbacks, Renegade, and of course, Triple Threat.
It’s true that sometimes, these names are selected randomly just to look cool or to give homage to certain events such as the Miami Nights or Moon Hopper workout, but the majority of the time, the name of the workout gives a slight hint of what it’s actually gonna be about.
In the case of the Triple Threat workout, it’s definitely the latter case. When you hear the term “triple threat”, what’s the first thing that pops into your mind? Well, when I first heard it, I thought of something that occurs 3 times and poses a threat to me (literally the name), and that’s pretty much how the workout goes.
The F45 Triple threat workout is a cardio-based routine that follows one simple rule: you double your reps on the second set, and triple it in the third. In other words, the number of reps that you manage to do on the first set of an exercise, you’ll have to double on the second one, and then triple it on the third one.
Here is an example, let’s say you need to jump squats on the first station:
- Set 1: You managed to do 10 repetitions.
- Set 2: You’ll need to do 20 repetitions.
- Set 3: You’ll need to do 30 repetitions (keep in mind that you triple the number from the first set, not the second one).
Here is everything you need to know about this workout:
- Stations: 12
- Pods: 1
- Laps: 1
- Sets: 3
- Timing: 20 work/10 rest, 40 work/20 rest, 60 work/30 rest
- Miscellaneous: No hydration breaks
F45 Triple Threat Workout Example:
Here are two examples of what an F45 Triple Threat workout will look like (keep in mind that this may look different depending on your studio).
Workout Example 1:
- Jump Squats Revo Bar
- Russian Twists
- 10 Bicycle Crunches, 10 Mountain Climbers
- Sit Down Then Box Jumps
- Lateral Jumps Over Cone
- Kettlebell Squat And Pull Up.
- Speed Squats, Shoot Ups
- Bike Hover
- Bench Hops
- Dead Ball Round The World, 2 Jumping Lunges
- Bear Crawls
- 10x Quick Steps, Burpee, Lateral Jump
Workout Example 2:
Ultimate timing:
- Set 1 – 20 work / 10 rest.
- Set 2 – 40 work / 20 rest
- Set 3 – 60 work / 30 clean / move
Normal timing: 20/10, 40/20, 60/30
- Revo Jump Lunges + Shoulder Press
- Soft Box Explosive Incline Push Ups
- 10 X Wide Mountain Climber + 2 X Frog Squat
- Agility Box Hurdle High Knee Hurdle Jumps
- Kettlebell Squat Press
- Y-bell Double Tricep Sprawl Top Grip
- Plate Squat + Chest Press
- Bike Erg Seated
- Balance Trainer 10 X Mountain Climber And Overhead Press
- Deadball Over Shoulder Throw
- 10 X Speed Squats + 2 X Shoot Ups
- Shuttle Sprint With Lateral Jumps
Is the F45 Triple Threat Workout Hard?
Just from the workout name alone, you should be able to figure out the intensity of this workout, it is literally a threat.
Since you’ll be doubling the number of repetitions after each set, it’s gonna put a toll on your body and give it quite a challenge.
In addition to that, you’ll have little time to perform all the repetitions so your body will need to step up to the next level in order to sustain that number of reps, and there are also no hydration breaks which makes it even harder.
And I know what you’re thinking, what if you deliberately do a low number of repetitions during the first set so even if you double during the second, it won’t be that much? Well, if that’s how you want to approach F45 Training routines, you might as well go back to a typical gym where you get to control your pace and the number of reps.
This workout is meant to push your body to the limits, so if you’re not going to give it your all, then there is no point in doing it in the first place.
Go in there and show everybody that you’re a bigger threat than this routine.
If you’ve never done an F45 Triple Threat workout before and are not sure what to expect, then I hope this article made it more clear for you. Just remember that if you find it too difficult or too easy, you have full flexibility to go lighter or heavier depending on your physical ability. And if you’re not sure how an exercise is done, just ask the trainers there and they’ll be glad to help.
All that matters is that you have a solid workout and push your body to its fullest potential.