How To Gain 2 KG in 1 Week

For struggling skinny people, gaining weight is one of the hardest things that you can do. No matter how much you eat and how much you train, it seems like it’s impossible to put on any amount of fat. I’ve personally struggled with this my entire life since I grew up skinny, but I managed to break out of it and transform my body and I’m here to share everything that actually works and all the things that will simply waste your time. And depending on the weight goal that you have in mind and the amount of time you’re allocating to it, the methods may vary. With that being said, how can you gain 2 kg in 1 week?

Although gaining 2kg in a week may seem like an impossible task, it’s very doable with the right mindset, an appropriate diet, and the correct habits that include reaching a calorie surplus every day during that entire week, avoiding too much activity, drinking enough water, and getting enough rest.

In this article, we’ll talk about if gaining 2 kg in a week is possible, and the habits that you need to follow in order to do so. 

Is It Possible to Gain 2 Kg in 1 Week?

Whether or not it’s possible to gain 2 kg in a week depends entirely on your age, height, and current weight, but generally speaking, it’s usually within reach if you follow the correct methods.

Another factor to keep in mind is that there are two ways in order to achieve this ambitious goal:

The Wrong Way

gain weight by avoiding junk food

When I say “the wrong way”, I’m simply referring to gaining weight using bad methods like eating junk food for example or stuffing a bunch of random food in your body. While it may look like an easy shortcut, in reality, and what’s happening behind the curtains, you’re essentially gaining an unhealthy amount of fat which is not what you want in the long term.

As soon as you start going down this “path”, there is no turning back and before you know it, that simple goal of 2 kg in a week will turn into something much worse. You’ll get used to a bad lifestyle and unhealthy habits, and you’ll end up gaining that much at a rate that you can’t control. 

If you have the ability to control yourself and what you consume, starting with junk food during the first couple of days is not a bad idea to get your body used to the more high-calorie meals as long as you’re not overdoing it and keeping it to a minimum. 

The Right Way

The right way refers to gaining weight using healthy food and developing the correct habits. This is the best way, not only to gain 2 kg in 1 week but also to get introduced to the healthy lifestyle that allowed you to gain that much weight in such a short period of time. And who knows? If you’re struggling with being skinny, this little journey of a week could be what kickstarts your body transformation because as soon you start feeling the taste of the first gains in terms of weight, you’ll get addicted to it and will constantly want more. And before you even know it, you’ll no longer struggle with being skinny and you’ll probably start thinking about getting more fit by practicing some form of physical activity

How to Gain 2 Kg in 1 Week

how to gain 2 kg in 1 week

Since 2 kg is considered a lot for that short amount of time, I assume that you want to gain fat and not muscles and it’s the only possible outcome anyway. Muscles take a lot of time to grow and 1 week is simply not enough. 

As I mentioned in the beginning, there are two main ways to gain that much in a week, in this section, I’ll focus on “the right way” which involves following the correct habits.

And when I say “correct habits”, here is what I mean:

Eating Enough Calories

No matter what you do in order to achieve the goal of 2 kg in a week, there is nothing that will beat eating enough calories. I know it’s the one thing that skinny people tend to struggle with the most, but it’s the most efficient way to quickly put on some kilos in a week. 

And by “eating enough calories”, I mean reaching a calorie surplus (eating more than what your body needs so that the excess can be stored as fat in your body) every single day throughout that whole week.

I know what you’re thinking, “how do I know the number of calories that my body needs in a single day?”, well it entirely depends on your height, your age, and how much you currently weigh, but generally speaking and for skinny people, 3000 to 4000 calories per day is more than enough to reach a surplus. If you want the exact number, you can use a calorie calculator which will give a custom number based on your characteristics.

If 3000 and 4000 calories sound too much for you, make sure to separate that amount into 4 to 5 meals per day since it will make it much easier to reach that goal.

Having the Right Diet

Eating enough calories and reaching a surplus doesn’t necessarily mean that you can just stuff random food and hope for the best. The correct way to approach this is by following the right high-calorie diet that provides a balanced amount of proteins, carbs, and healthy fat.

Not only will this make that 2 kg that you gain during a week 100% healthy, but it’ll also benefit you in the long term since it’s gonna introduce you to a better lifestyle that you won’t get enough of. 

There are plenty of diets that you’ll find on the internet and be sure that all of them work. All that matters is that you truly stick with it and do not give up until you’ve reached that goal.

Avoiding Too Much Activity

avoid too much activity to gain weight

If you’re serious about gaining 2 kg in 1 week, then you want to avoid any unnecessary activity as much as possible. It will only burn the calories that you worked so hard for and make your body use too much fuel which will mess up the calorie surplus that you’re aiming for. 

If the activity is necessary like going to work, taking out the dog for a walk, or walking to an important destination, then there isn’t much that you can do about it. However, if the activity is something extra and nothing will change if you don’t do it, then simply avoid it.

Drinking Enough Water

Water is the main source of everything in our lives and it’s the most important drink (the only drink) that our body needs. It’s true and it has been proven that drinking a lot of water during your day will help you lose weight, but it can also have the opposite effect if you think about it. 

Drinking a lot of water can cause the effect of bloating which is the fastest way of packing on some extra kilos. Of course, it’s not gonna be permanent but it’s one of the best and quickest ways to give off the illusion that you’ve gained weight.


Although gaining 2 kg of weight in a single week is doable, it’s really not a good idea to look for easy shortcuts that may have the opposite effect of what you’re trying to achieve. In life, always take things slowly and that includes weight gain as well. If you develop a healthy lifestyle and learn the correct habits, you’ll gain weight naturally without resorting to any kind of shortcut.

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