“Losing weight”, a phrase that takes only 2 seconds to write but holds so many hardships, hard work, and discipline in order to achieve it literally. There are some types of people that just don’t have the ability to lose weight no matter what methods they try. When this occurs, what could potentially happen is they either give up on trying to cut those extra pounds and accept the fact that they’ll stay overweight for the rest of their lives, or come up with unrealistic goals that will probably never happen and look for shortcuts that will allow them to lose a certain amount of weight in a short limited time. And that’s why people ask this question: “how to lose 3 kilos in 1 day?”
Losing 3 kilos in 1 day is simply not possible due to the fact that the body is only capable of losing 0.5 to 1 kg per week. Nonetheless, setting that weight loss amount as an ambitious goal in mind is a great way to push your body to its limits and work hard in order to get as close as possible to that goal.
In this article, we’ll talk more in-depth about if it’s possible to lose 3 kilos in 1 day, how fast you can actually do it, and the right way to follow.
Table of Contents
Is it Possible to Lose 3 Kilos in 1 Day?

In order to answer this question, I’ll first talk briefly (consider it a disclaimer) about the whole purpose of this website. My main goal is to deliver the most accurate information without selling you any fake stuff that will benefit me personally. I tend to be as transparent as possible and not give you wrong or unrealistic expectations just for my own benefit.
With that being said, unlike what all the gurus or “fitness experts” out there might tell you, losing 3 kilos in 1 single day is simply not possible, and here is why:
Why It’s Impossible
As I mentioned in the beginning, after you reach a certain point of being overweight and don’t have the ability to lose weight anymore no matter what methods you try, you either give up trying or your mind ends up setting unrealistic goals that you’ll probably never reach just to justify the fact that you can’t cut down your fat.
When you’re just starting your weight transformation journey, seeing instant feedback is the only way to believe that what you’re doing is actually working and you’re not wasting your time which is why most overweight people (even those that want to gain weight) always look for shortcuts.
With that being said, losing 3 kilos in a single day is an ambitious goal and I respect anyone that has the courage to set it in their mind, however, it’s simply not possible.
Let’s try and break it down using numbers:
1 kg of fat is approximatively equal to 7700 calories, in other words, if you want to instantly burn a single kilo of fat in your body, you’ll need to either have a calorie deficit of about 7700 or try to burn that same amount which is both impossible unless you’re starving yourself or running a 100 miles marathon.
Not only are you trying to lose 1 kg in a single day, but you’re also trying to lose triple that amount (about 23100 calories) which is physically impossible.
In addition to that, when your body is used to an excess amount of calories every single day, suddenly cutting that amount and surprising it with a calorie deficit will make it think that you’re starving. As a result, it’s going to retain water, reserve calories, and fat in order to assist your “starving”.
But It’s a Good Idea
Even though it’s impossible to lose 3 kilos in 1 day, transcribing that amount on your mind is a good idea since it allows you to push your body to its limits and work harder to try to get as close to that point as possible.
One of the best ways to overcome any challenge in life is by setting goals that are hard to achieve in order to put in the most effort. Losing a certain amount of weight in a limited time, getting rich in 1 month, or gaining muscles overnight are all impossible goals but we keep setting them in our minds in order to motivate ourselves to do better.
How To Lose 3 Kilos in 1 Day

So you understand by now that when I say “how to lose 3 kilos in 1 day” what I really mean is “how to get as close as possible to losing 3 kilos in 1 day”. If you follow the methods below, you’ll realistically be able to lose 1 kg per week which is more than enough to gradually lose all your extra fat.
Reach a Calorie Deficit
The best way to lose weight is by reaching a calorie deficit every single day. What I really mean by that is eating less than what your body needs so that it uses the extra fat in your body as a source of energy. As a result, you’ll burn more fat and lose weight.
Use a calorie calculator in order to find out exactly how many calories your body needs and eat less than that by 500 to 1000 calories. For example, if your body needs 4000 calories to get through the day, eat only about 3000 to 3500 (but make sure to go for that 1000 calorie deficit mark). It’s gonna be super challenging at first, but you’ll get used to it in no time.
Drink Lots of Water
Drink lots and lots of water every single day. It’s gonna be one of the best decisions of your life. Not only does it help in losing weight, but it also has a lot of health benefits for your entire body (better skin, better hair…)
- Make sure to drink 4 to 5 liters of water every single day
- Add an extra 5 to 6 cups to your daily water intake
- Include natural juices and fun drinks if you want to mix it up
Be Active
When you’re active and engage in multiple physical activities like some sort of sports, cardio, or weight-lifting, not only will you burn more fat that way, but you’ll also get more thirsty on a regular basis which will allow you to drink even more water and thus, burn even more fat.
- Walk 30 to 45 minutes after every single meal
- Do cardio 3 to 4 times per week
- Stay active throughout the day
- Practice a sport that burns a lot of fat like tennis, swimming, boxing, cycling, and so on
Eat Less Salt
What’s salt most famous for? Well, besides its sour taste, it’s also known to contain a lot of sodium. This chemical element causes water retention in the body, makes your calorie deficit even harder to reach, and makes you bloated all day.
- Avoid consuming more than 1300 mg of salt per day
- Keep salt consumption to a bare minimum
- Avoid processed food
- Cut food that contains a lot of salt like cereals, bread, cheese, and so on
Eat Less Starch
Just like sodium, starch also retains more water in your body. Make sure to avoid food like:
- Potatoes
- French fries
- Pasta
- cookies
Eat More Fiber
Fiber helps your body digest food much easier, making you feel less bloated and the best way to consume it is while having breakfast.
- Have your breakfast as soon as you wake up
- Consume at the very least 30 grams of fiber per day
- Keep your breakfast between 300 to 500 calories
Setting ambitious goals like losing 3 kilos in 1 day is something that anyone can do. However, having the discipline to get as close to it as possible requires a lot of hard work and dedication and it’s exactly why people tend to give up weight loss easily.
Make sure to always stay motivated, and follow the right methods, and I promise that weight loss for you will eventually become as easy as gaining it.