How To Get 90s Skinny

Ah, the 90s! Considered by many, one of the best times of their lives. It was the time when the theme song of “friends” was a one-hit wonder, when Micheal Jordan won 6 NBA titles, when a gallon of gas was only $1.22, and for some reason, when everybody was so skinny. The 90s was famous for its models that looked “perfect”. The likes of Naomi Cambell, Cindy Crawford, Tyra Banks, and so on, all had one thing in common, a skinny body that’s extremely difficult to achieve nowadays, and many people from our current generation want to look that way. With that being said, how to get 90s skinny?

People from the 90s ate less junk food, were more active, rarely drank soda, walked almost everywhere, and ate home-cooked meals. If someone wants to get 90s skinny, they’d need to follow these habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to get 90s skinny, and the main reasons why people looked that way during that time.

Why Were People Skinny in the 90s?

Why Were People Skinny in the 90s

In order to find out how you can become skinny like 90s models, we need to figure out the main reasons why people from older generations looked that way in the first place.

Yes, just like our current times, models back then followed strict procedures in order to avoid gaining weight, but it was a lot easier than it is now. Here are the main reasons why:

People Ate Less Junk Food

I know what you’re thinking, junk food was definitely present during the 90s, however, it wasn’t as nearly as popular as it is now. For example, McDonald’s only started seeing exponential growth after the 90s, and the same with other fast food chains. Eating junk food wasn’t something that you would do every day but was, instead, a weekly or monthly habit. 

People Were More Active

Back in the 90s, people were a lot more active than they are now. People used to walk to every destination. If you wanted to do something like grocery shopping or going to a restaurant, you had to walk for it since there weren’t any of the conveniences that we have today such as online shopping, uber, grocery delivery, and a variety of restaurants everywhere.

And with the lack of technology, there were a lot more outside activities that you can do. Oh, and people in the 90s loved dancing. 

People Drank Less Soda

Just like junk food, soda wasn’t that popular back in the 90s. People preferred fruit water, natural juices, or alcoholic drinks. In addition to that, even if they drank soda, it wasn’t two or three times per day which is the average American soda consumption nowadays, but was, instead, once or twice per week.

People Ate Home-Cooked Meals

Back in the 90s, everything was home-cooked since fast food chains weren’t that popular during that time. In addition to that, food quality has been on a steady decline since the 90s. Everything is full of chemicals and sugars.

Being Fat Was Not Acceptable

Back then, working out was like a social status. Everybody worked towards having a slim body because being fat was simply not accepted in older societies. Having a smaller body was standard and attractive back in the 90s. 

How to Get 90s Skinny

how to get 90s skinny

Now that we know and understand the main reasons why people were so skinny back in the 90s, figuring out what to do in order to achieve their bodies should be simple and straightforward:

Eat Less Junk Food

This one should be pretty obvious, if you want to truly achieve a body that’s close enough to 90s models, you’ll need to cut down on junk food. People in the 90s rarely ate them which is one of the main reasons why they can stay slim with such ease. Did you know that the average adult now eats about 800 calories per fast food meal? Avoiding junk food should be your top priority if you’re serious about losing weight. 

Be More Active

People in the 90s were a lot more active, unlike today, they used to walk every day to all their destinations, stay busy, work, and go to school. You can’t expect to lose weight if you’re laying in bed all day scrolling through social media without doing much activity.

Learn how to lead an active lifestyle, avoid using your car as much as possible, make walking your favorite transportation method, go on hikes, do activities that require using your muscles and strength, and most importantly, make sure to fit workout sessions into your weekly schedules at least two times per week. Unlike the 90s, gyms are becoming more and more available to everybody without exception, so use that to your advantage.

Drink Less Soda

Did you know that a 12-ounce can of soda has between about 125 and 180 calories? All of those come from sugar (between 8 and 11 teaspoons in your glass). That’s a lot of calories for something that you can consume with ease. Back in the 90s, people rarely drank soda which is one of the main reasons why gaining weight was extremely difficult for them, unlike today. 

Make sure to drink more natural juices, fruit water, healthy beverages, and so on. You should also avoid diet soda since it contains a lot of additives and artificial ingredients which are full of unnatural chemicals that can cause your body to crave more high-calorie meals. 

Eat Home-Cooked Meals

There is nothing better than home-cooked meals and that’s something 90s people know for a fact. I know what you’re thinking, what if you don’t have time? I’d say that’s only an illusion and an excuse to avoid cooking. There are some healthy meals that will only take you about 15 minutes to make and should be better and healthier than all fast-food meals.

Since food quality is slowly degrading with time, make sure to use organic foods which are somewhat better, more nutritious, and can imitate the food that people used to have in the 90s. 


There is nothing better than looking like the 90s models, however, it’s easier said than done. In order to get as close as possible to their bodies, you need to follow their everyday habits and lifestyle in general. Eat less junk food, be more active, drink less soda, and eat more home-cooked meals. 

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