Tyler Gregory Okonma, commonly known as Tyler, the Creator, is an American rapper and record producer. Throughout his career, he managed to produce a lot of hit songs such as See You Again, EARFQUAKE, A BOY IS A GUN, and so on. This allowed him to build up his reputation and win multiple awards including Grammys. One of the best things about Tyler, the Creator was his live performances where he always managed to light up the crowd and put on an impressive show. During these, he would occasionally take off his shirt to reveal a surprisingly ripped physique that grabs everyone’s attention. With that being said, how did he manage to reach that point? In other words, what was Tyler, the Creator’s workout routine?
Tyler, the Creator claims that he’s never been to the gym before, so his workout routine mainly consists of bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, eating the right food, and staying consistent.
In this article, we’ll talk about Tyler, the Creator’s body transformation over the years, and the workout routine that allowed him to reach a strong physique.
Tyler the Creator’s Stats
Before getting into his actual workout routine, let’s establish first some of his latest basic stats (as of 2022)
- Age: 31
- Height: 6’0”
- Weight: 174 lbs
- BMI: 23.6
- Body fat percentage: 14 to 16%
As you may have noticed, Tyler, the Creator is pretty tall (6”0”). This allowed him to appear buff, especially with the amount of weight that he has. Additionally, he has a body fat percentage that’s low enough to make him appear lean and pop out his muscles.
Tyler the Creator’s Body Transformation

In this section, we’ll compare Tyler’s physique at each age to see how his body has changed over the years:
Age 16 to 18: At this point in his life, Tyler was still a teen, so his muscles weren’t fully developed yet. As you can tell from the picture, he was pretty skinny (you can see his ribs), but that’s due to the fact that he was extremely lean. Nevertheless, he still had impressive biceps, shoulder definition, and decent-looking abs.
Age 20: At this point in time, you can tell pretty easily that Tyler took really good care of his physique. He had a full-on body transformation that made him look impressive. As you can see in the picture, the majority of his muscles increased in size. He was extremely lean, his pecs were full and ripped, he had 8-pack abs, big rounded shoulders, wide lats, visible veins, and although his arms were still skinny, they were still decent-looking.
Age 24: During this time, Tyler’s muscle mass increased slightly overall as you can tell from the picture. His pecs got more full, he still had his 8-pack, his big rounded shoulders, and more importantly, his arms grew in terms of size.
Age 27: Before saying that Tyler lost his abs or got more fat, keep in mind that he wasn’t flexing during this picture and that the lighting wasn’t on his side. As we all know, lighting plays a huge role when you’re trying to take a shirtless picture and during this performance, it was off. At this time, it’s true that Tyler gained a little bit of body fat, but he was still ripped and had impressive muscles.
Tyler the Creator’s Workout Routine

Seeing that ripped body of his, you may think that Tyler spends countless hours in the gyms, lifts dumbbells every day, and runs hundreds of miles every week. Well, you’re dead wrong! In one of his Twitter posts, Tyler, the Creator claimed that he’s never been to the gym in his life and that he considers himself to be lucky because he’s ripped even though he eats burgers all day.
Additionally, in one of his interviews (source), Tyler showed that he really loves bacon. If you didn’t know, a single slice of cooked bacon packs 3.3 grams of fat making it a very calorie-dense food that isn’t good for your waistline and your overall body fat.
With that being said, how did he manage to stay ripped all the time and keep his physique? Well, it all comes down to one important thing, and that’s genetics!
Tyler, the Creator has been blessed genetically, even if he constantly eats junk food, he won’t gain a single pound of fat since his metabolism (the rate at which he burns calories) is rapid.
To get a ripped body, all he has to do (and what he did according to one of his tweets that I couldn’t find) was perform basic bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups every single night before he went to sleep.
You can tell pretty easily looking at his physique that he only does bodyweight movements since his arms aren’t that big (getting big arms is hard with only bodyweight exercises).
Since the majority of people haven’t been blessed genetically like Tyler, the Creator has, getting a physique like him will require a lot more hard work. Here is how you can do it:
- Join a gym and start weightlifting while focusing on compound movements, heavy lifts, and short reps
- Implement bodyweight exercises in your workout routine
- Follow the right diet that will keep you lean and increase your muscle mass
- Stay consistent