Are Dumbbells Recyclable?

One of the greatest inventions –Or shall I say discoveries– of humankind is recycling. If you think about it, creating something brand new from something that’s old is truly mesmerizing. And with the advancements in technology that we’re noticing these last couple of years, almost everything can be recycled. However, in the fitness world, recycling old equipment is not something that you hear of every day. With that being said, are dumbbells recyclable?

It all depends on the type of material that dumbbells are made of, but generally speaking, all types of dumbbells are recyclable. That includes metal, rubber, and neoprene ones. 

In this article, we’ll talk more in-depth about if dumbbells are recyclable, as well as the best ways to get rid of old ones.

Are Dumbbells Recyclable?

are dumbbells recyclable?

In the recycling business, whether or not something is recyclable depends entirely on the main material used for the particular item that you wish to recycle. It also depends on the type of recycling facilities near you since what they can recycle can vary from one facility to another. Another thing to take into consideration is the value of the material, that’s because not all old ones can be used to create new items. 

So to answer this question, we first need to know the main materials that are used in dumbbells and that can depend entirely on the type of dumbbell. Although there are several types of them, I’ll go over the three main ones: Metal, rubber, and neoprene dumbbells. 

Can Metal Dumbbells Be Recycled?

Metal is actually considered one of the most major and valuable materials that can be recycled. Whether that’s iron, steel, aluminum, and so on, all of them can be reused more than a couple of times during their life cycle. Not only is it super easy to use scrap metal to make new products, but recycling this valuable material significantly reduces the amount of mining that needs to be done. That’s why pretty much any item that’s made out of metal can be recycled and that includes dumbbells of course. 

Can Rubber Dumbbells Be Recycled?

Just like metal, rubber is also a very valuable item that’s used in pretty much every aspect of our life. I bet that there is even an item that’s made out of rubber right at this instance near where you’re sitting. That’s why it’s highly recyclable as well. And dumbbells that are made out of this type of material aren’t an exception either. The material that you get from recycling them can be put towards making new tires, playgrounds, shoes, and to make brand new dumbbells.

Can Neoprene Dumbbells Be Recycled?

If you compare neoprene with rubber, you’ll probably not see much of a difference and they also somewhat share the same properties as well. One of these properties is the fact that even neoprene can be recycled which includes dumbbells as well. This valuable product is able to resist heat and water and it’s super strong. That’s why it’s mostly used as wetsuits, protective gear, laptops and phone cases. Recycling this type of material is just as important as all the other ones mentioned in this article. With that being said, not every recycling facility can take this material since its recycling process is a little bit different and difficult but the majority of them do. 

How To Get Rid of Old Dumbbells?

There are several ways to dispose of old dumbbells:

Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!

Because dumbbells can be easily recycled, this should be your top priority. Not only will it play a huge role in saving the environment, but it’ll also be put into great use and take part in making other items that include brand new dumbbells. Think of it as a way to help and structure the fitness world in which you are highly involved. And depending on the type of material that’s used in your dumbbells, make sure to call your nearest recycling facility to ask them about the possibility of taking dumbbells. They won’t have a problem the majority of the time especially if they’re metal ones. If for some reason, they can’t recycle them, there are other great ways of disposing of them.

Use The Help of a Junk Removal Company

In case your dumbbells can’t be recycled, you can always call a professional junk removal company to do the work for you. It’s the safest and easiest option that you can go for. And since they know what they’re doing, they’ll make sure to dispose of your dumbbells without any damage to your floor, walls, and your home in general. 

Consult Your Friends

Before even thinking about recycling or disposing of your old dumbbells, make sure to ask your friends first about whether or not they can find a better use for them. Who knows, maybe you can be responsible for changing the body and life of one of your friends by introducing them to the world of fitness and bodybuilding. 

Put Them on Sale

This is a great way if you’re looking for a quick buck. If you’re not sure what to do with your dumbbells, take into consideration the fact that you can post them on an online marketplace or on social media in general. I guarantee that you’ll always find a buyer that’s willing to find a good use for your old dumbbells. Just be prepared to have a lot of strangers visiting your house to check the condition of your dumbbells. 


As you can see, pretty much all the main types of dumbbells can be recycled. Whether they’re metal, rubber, or neoprene ones, always make sure that recycling is your top priority. If you don’t have the possibility to do so, then, in this case, either use the help of a junk removal company, ask your friends if someone is in need of used dumbbells, or put them on sale to make some extra cash. All of these ways work great but the most important one is recycling.

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