Are Ectomorphs More Intelligent?

Comtemplative man reading book in classy home office

I think that we can all agree that intelligence is one of the most important skills to have in order to survive in the real world. And it’s pretty common to think that intelligence is something that people are born with on different levels. But that leaves the question: Do body types have any connection to one’s intelligence? And if that’s the case, are Ectomorphs more intelligent?

Although it’s common to think that skinny people, in general, tend to be smarter, being an Ectomorph or having any other body type has nothing to do with one’s intelligence. It’s a flexible ability that can improve over time by stimulating your brain and developing good habits.

How Can You Improve Your Intelligence As an Ectomorph?

Before we talk about some of the habits that can greatly improve your intelligence, you first need to know its two main types:

  • Crystalized intelligence: This typically represents your general knowledge, vocabulary, skills, and wisdom.
  • Fluid intelligence: This represents your ability to deduct logical reasoning and abstract thinking.

Here are 6 habits I highly recommend developing as an Ectomorph in order to get more intelligent:

Exercising More Regularly

man working out with weights in the gym

Physical activity is one of the best and most natural ways to stimulate your brain. According to different studies done on this subject, exercising was proven to highly have a connection with one’s intelligence.  And it’s really important to do it regularly to maximize its potential. Here are some ideas of great exercises you can do, even in the comfort of your home:

  • Yoga
  • Hiking
  • Fighting Sports
  • Weight lifting

And as an Ectomorph, I recommend focusing on weight lifting and fighting sports. Not only will it improve your intelligence, but it will also improve your body and make you pack on some muscle mass.

Here are some articles that talk about the type of exercises that are well adapted to the Ectomorph body type:

Ectomorph workout plan

Ectomorph home workout

Sports that Ectomorphs can play

Start Meditating

Man wearing black cap with eyes closed under cloudy sky

This should be pretty obvious, practicing meditation is a great way to stimulate your brain and become smarter. Studies found that meditating can greatly improve one’s attention, working memory, recognition ability and mood as well as reduce one’s anxiety.

And what’s great about meditating is that can be easily done at any time and at the comfort of your own home. Either by using meditation apps (There are a ton of them), meditation books, guided meditation videos on YouTube (like this one) or simply attending a physical meditation class.

Always Be Curious

Man in black hooding sitting on bench near tree and thinking

If you really want to improve your intelligence, then you always want to be curious. If you don’t understand something, do research about it until you fully understand it. Always continue learning and aim for a longer education time. Here are some ideas you can do to feed your curiosity:

  • Read educational books
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Attend lectures
  • Learn a challenging language
  • Pick a new hobby regularly


group of friends singing while sitting on beach sand

We all know that humans are social creatures that constantly need human interactions. Socialization can greatly stimulate your mind and your cognitive ability. This may seem like a challenge but it’s actually way easier than you think. Here are some great ways to improve your social life:

  • Reconnect with old friends or classmates
  • Take the initiative
  • Join the gym or a sports team
  • Join a club that focuses on a hobby that you like
  • Learn to connect with strangers

Learn To Play A New Instrument

Man in grey buttoned up jacket playing the piano

This is one of the most creative and fun ways to increase your intelligence. Studies showed that playing an instrument can stimulate and improve your memory, auditory perception, and physical coordination.

And what’s great about learning a new instrument is that’s it never too late to start. In fact, why not challenge yourself to start today? Start with a beginner-friendly instrument like a guitar or a piano. There are plenty of videos you can follow on YouTube that makes learning way easier than you think.

Get Enough Sleep

Man sleeping

All of the tips I mentioned earlier won’t give any results if you don’t give your body enough sleep.  Sleeping is really essential to support your brain’s cognitive functions. When you sleep, your brain actually stores all the memories that you experienced during your day. It also gives your brain a boost to be able to handle new information and memories during the next day. And as an Ectomorph, I highly recommend giving your body 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

So are Ectomorphs more intelligent? After reading this article, hopefully, you understand that intelligence has nothing to do with your body type. It’s something that can be improved by developing the habits I mentioned here. And remember, always be curious to learn new things and you’ll greatly improve your brain’s health and boost your intelligence.

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