OrangeTheory is considered one of the best fitness centers simply because of one reason: it manages to bring a unique experience to their member every time they decide to work out. Unlike a typical gym routine where you need to come up with your own little workout, OrangeTheory does that for you and makes it extremely fun and challenging. To get started, all you need to do is get a membership there that will grant you a set amount of classes per month to enjoy all these perks. But what if you weren’t able to claim all your allowed classes during a certain month? Do they expire? In other words, do OrangeTheory classes roll over?
Unfortunately, OrangeTheory classes don’t roll over to the next month. In other words, if you don’t use all of your monthly classes, they’ll expire at the end of your monthly membership period.
In this article, we’ll talk more in-depth about if OrangeTheory classes roll over as well as the best avoid to avoid class expirations.
Table of Contents
Do OrangeTheory Classes Roll Over?

Having an OrangeTheory membership is one of the best things that you can do for your fitness life. Not only will you join a community full of passionate people that all share the same goals, but you’ll also gain access to several daily classes that will put your body to the test.
You have workouts like Inferno, Catch Me If You Can, 12 Days of Fitness, Lift 45, Orange Voyage, Orange Mayhem, and many more.
However, unlike a typical gym membership which you can use whenever you want, the OrangeTheory one is class-based.
This means that each month, you get a set amount of classes depending on the level of your membership:
- Orange Basic: You get 4 classes per month
- Orange Elite: You get 8 classes per month
- Orange Premier: You get unlimited classes per month
And if you finish all your monthly classes, you can join new ones but you’ll have to pay an extra fee of course.
But what if it’s the other way around? let’s imagine this scenario where you have an Orange Elite membership of 8 classes per month.
During a certain month, you only managed to join 6 classes because you were too busy. What happens to those 2 classes left in your monthly membership?
Well, if you think that they’ll just be added to your next month’s classes so you’ll have a total of 10 classes per month, you’re wrong.
Unfortunately, OrangeTheory doesn’t have this option since monthly classes don’t roll over to the next month. In other words, if you don’t use all the classes in your membership, they’ll expire at the end of its monthly period.
I know what you’re thinking: “why is that the case?”. Well, it’s not a good business move if they allow this option since it would ruin the monthly membership process and OrangeTheory will lose a lot of money.
But if you really think about it, this is actually a good thing for you. Knowing that classes will expire at the end of your monthly membership period will motivate you even further to finish all of them.
If changing your body for the better wasn’t enough motivation for you, then maybe losing money will change that.
How to Avoid Expired Classes
Wasting money on a membership that you won’t use eventually isn’t really a good idea, here’s how you can avoid this from happening:
Find Out Exactly When Classes Are Released
Not being able to join all your monthly classes might be because you’re busy, but sometimes, the main reason behind this is that all classes are full.
That’s why you need to find out exactly when classes in your local OrangeTheory are released so that you can be one of the first ones to book them and not ever worry about them being full.
The best way to do this is by contacting your local studio and asking about the release date and time of classes.
Contact Your Studio
Even though the classes in your membership don’t roll over to the next month, if you contact your local OrangeTheory studio and explain how you were too busy to finish all your monthly classes because of work or school, I’m sure that they’ll provide you with a suitable solution like rolling over the classes to the next month or at least reducing the cost of your next monthly payment.
Get a Class Pack
Did you know that OrangeTheory offers class packs as well in addition to a typical membership? If you’re a busy person, getting these class packs might be a better idea for you since you won’t be tied down with finishing all your monthly classes, and instead, you’ll be able to join them whenever you want.
And the best part about these class packs is that they never expire!
Even though OrangeTheory classes don’t roll over to the next month of your membership, that doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, it’s a good extra source of motivation to get finish all your monthly classes and reap all their benefits.