Aesthetic-looking six-pack abs will always remain the symbol of fitness. It’s the main goal of every aspiring lifter and it’s what motivates most of us to get up in the morning to lift those heavy weights. Having them not only impresses everybody around you, but it’s the best way to prove that you’re living a healthy lifestyle and it’s what validates your hard work and dedication. With that being said, have you ever noticed that whenever you see a shirtless guy, they always seem to have abs? Is that the case for all skinny people? In other words, Does every skinny person have a six-pack?
Everyone is born with a six-pack but the majority of skinny people barely have any fat covering their abdominal area which is exactly why it seems that every skinny person has a six-pack.
In this article, we’ll talk more in-depth about if every skinny person has a six-pack and if it’s easier for them to get them.
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Does Every Skinny Person Have a Six-Pack?

In order to answer this question, I’ll talk about my own experience of being skinny. Growing up, I was always the skinny kid amongst my friends. I was 15, 5 feet 8, and weighed about 120 pounds which is considered underweight based on my height.
However, even though I was skinny, I remember that I always had visible abs. They definitely weren’t that strong or big, but at least they were there. It was the only thing that I was proud of in my body.
And if you’re wondering, during that time, I never touched any weight, never got into a gym, I didn’t practice a lot of sports, and I didn’t even know what sit-ups were. I naturally had visible abs with little to no work.
My friends in school would always come up to me and ask me about the secret behind my shredded abs (they definitely weren’t shredded) and I would just laugh it out and tell them that the secret was to do absolutely nothing. They always thought that I was only joking or that I didn’t want to reveal my magic but I was simply telling the truth.
I definitely wasn’t the only that had them in school. In fact, most skinny people that I knew had a six-pack, and here are the main reasons why:
Skinny People Have a Low Body Fat Percentage

When you really think about it, everyone is born with abs and everyone has the ability to show them. After all, they’re literally part of our body. Saying that you don’t have abs is like saying you don’t have arms or you don’t have shoulders.
There are two main things that control their visibility, muscle size, and body fat percentage. Muscle size refers to how big your abs are and it’s controlled by genetics and how much you’re training them. Doing sit-ups, crunches, and partaking in different activities that engage the core will all play a huge role in the size of your abs. It’s true that muscle size is an important factor that determines the visibility of your abs, but it’s still minor compared to the second factor which is the body fat percentage.
No matter how much you train your abs and how big they get, they will still not be visible unless you have a specific body fat percentage that is low enough to show them. What is that percentage you say? Well, a lot of people agree that you need a body fat percentage of about 6 to 13% for men in order to see abs and 14 to 20% for women.
Now that we know the two main controlling factors in order to have visible abs, let’s compare them to skinny people. First of all, when it comes to muscle size, it’s not their strongest point. However, most skinny people will naturally have average-sized abs that still look good (not as good as someone that trains them). Secondly, and this is pretty much “the selling point”, the majority of skinny people have a body fat percentage of 8 to 15%. And what have we just learned about having abs? You need a body fat percentage of about 6 to 13% for men and 14 to 20% for women in order to see them. And skinny people fit these criteria pretty well which is essentially why the majority of them will naturally have a six-pack.

Genetics is pretty much the steering wheel that controls everything in our body and that includes the size and the shape of our abs and also how easily it is for us to have a low body fat percentage. Most skinny people are blessed (or cursed according to some people) genetically with having the ability to easily burn fat which is also another reason why most of them have abs since body fat percentage is the controlling factor behind them.
And it’s also the exact same reason why certain people will not have abs even though they’re skinny and have a body fat percentage that’s lower than 13% (or 20% for women), it’s just the fact that their genetics doesn’t allow them to have visible abs as easily as other people. Maybe their abs size is too small to appear in their bodies or they’re simply skinny-fat.
Is It Easier for Skinny People To Get a Six-Pack?
Just like I did in the first section, I’ll talk about my own experience and whether or not it was easier for me to get abs since I was skinny.
As I mentioned in the beginning, I naturally had abs without doing anything or practicing any form of sports. They weren’t as impressive as those of fitness models, but they were at least visible since I had a low body fat percentage (lower than 13%) which is pretty much the controlling factor in having abs.
As soon as I started training them and working out in general, they were the first muscle group that showed progress during my fitness transformation journey, and surprisingly enough, training them was the easiest part of my workout routine. All I did was a bunch of sit-ups and crunches and that’s it, that’s all it took, no fancy exercises or machines.
At one point (1 year into my fitness journey), I decided to stop working them since I was doing plenty of other exercises that engaged the core which is more than enough to grow your abs. And to this day, I’m still seeing progress in them even though I barely train them.
Since skinny guys have a low body fat percentage, It’s a lot easier for them to have a six-pack compared to other people. Just a simple regular training routine that targets the abs is more than enough in order for them to be visible.
If you ever see a skinny person with shredded abs, you’ll now know that it’s because he naturally has a low body fat percentage and that he’s been blessed genetically. If you’re skinny but still have no visible abs, it’s either that you still don’t have a body fat percentage that is lower than 13% or that the size of your abs is not big enough to be visible.