As an Ectomorph, choosing the right workout program that’s adapted to your body type could be the most important factor in growing your muscles and achieving your goals. Most beginners will start implementing the first workout they see on the internet without giving it much thought. Ectomorphs precisely need to be really picky when it comes to choosing a workout plan. So with that being said, are full-body workouts good for Ectomorphs?
Full-body workouts can be really beneficial for Ectomorphs. It’s the only way to ensure you’re training all muscle groups at once since they incorporate strength compound exercises which are an effective way of training as an Ectomorph. And the fastest way to grow your muscles.
In this article, we’ll talk about the different advantages of implementing full-body workouts into your routine as an Ectomorph.
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Are Full-Body Workouts Good For Ectomorphs?
Each workout program comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the top reasons why you should implement full-body workouts into your training routine:
They Save a Lot Of Time

Everybody is busy one way or another. Whether it’s work, school, or chores, not everyone has enough time to dedicate to training. And that’s why full-body workouts could be a huge investment for your precious time. Since they can be performed over the course of 2 to 3 days per week. This low time constraint will allow you to do your other life obligations without having to worry about staying fit.
Although full-body workouts are a little bit challenging to do especially as a beginner, they could be really rewarding in terms of maximizing your muscle growth potential. But still, that doesn’t mean that you can’t vary between them and split workouts. On the contrary, these split workouts are also beneficial for Ectomorphs. As an Ectomorph myself, I always switch between them each week.
Read more: Ectomorph Workout Plan, Ectomorph Home Workout, Can Ectomorphs Work Out 5 Days a Week.
They Increase Muscle Recovery

One of the most crucial factors in why people don’t see the results they excepted is because they don’t give their bodies enough time to recover. I can’t express how important rest and recovery are for Ectomorphs. Because of their rapid metabolism that constantly burns calories, you’re pretty much obligated to give it some rest time in order to fully recover. Otherwise, you’ll never see growth. Performing full-body workouts will allow you to efficiently grow your muscles without having to train them every day. And daily sessions are a no-go for Ectomorphs, so full-body workouts are perfect for them.
Read more: Do Ectomorphs Recover Faster, Do Ectomorphs Lose Muscles Easily, Do Ectomorphs Need More Sleep.
They Free Time For Practicing Sports

Since full-body workouts only require you to be at the gym about 2 to 3 times per week, this short time constraint will allow you to perform other important physical activities such as sports. If you currently have a hobby or a sport that you love to do, then full-body workouts will give you an extra 4 to 5 days to perform them. Just be careful not to overdo it. Because remember that you always need to give your body enough time to rest and recover. So if those other sports require some sort of effort, make sure to limit them in order to grow your muscles.
Read more: What Sports Do Ectomorphs Play, Ectomorphs Athletes, Are Ectomorphs Good Fighters.
They Boost Testosterone Levels

When it comes to muscle growth, it’s pretty common knowledge that testosterone levels play a huge role. The more you have of this hormone ramping through your body, the faster you’re going to see results. And when it comes to increasing testosterone, resistance training makes a big impact. The only thing that makes more of an impact is by implementing full-body workouts. The movements you’ll utilize during this type of training will influence many muscle fibers and thus, release more testosterone. Compound movements as well as leg exercises especially are well known to release this hormone.
Read more: Do Ectomorphs Have Low Testosterone, Should Ectomorphs Lift Heavy, How Many Reps Should An Ectomorph Do.
They Can Easily Be Integrated

One of the most common struggles that all ectomorphs tend to have is that they often reach a plateau. That’s because they’re constantly doing the same thing over and over again. Whether it’s the exercises, the total amount of reps they’re doing, or how heavy they’re lifting.
When you’re performing full-body workouts, there are two great benefits that come with it. The first one is that each muscle group will be trained using 1 or 2 exercises at the very most. This means that you can easily swap the exercise you’re performing. The second benefit that I mentioned earlier, is that you can easily switch between a full-body workout and a split workout every week which will constantly surprise your body and muscles and thus, avoiding any sort of plateau. Additionally, unlike split workouts, with a full-body workout, you’re less likely to damage your muscles which can prevent injury.
Read more: Do Ectomorphs Live Longer.
They’re Perfect For Home Workouts

If don’t have access to the gym, you probably rely on home workouts. And as an Ectomorph, it can be really challenging to grow muscles at home but nonetheless, full-body workouts are perfect to maximize your muscle growth in the comfort of your own home. Although, I highly recommend to at least invest in dumbbells or a pullup bar since they’ll greatly help you during your training. You can perform movements that can vary from lunges, deadlifts, chest presses, bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions, and so on. The movements are great to complete a full-body workout.
Read More: Ectomorph Home Workout Plan.
Now that you know the great benefits of full-body workouts, I hope you can take them into consideration. The majority of Ectomorphs avoid them since they think that it won’t help them achieve great results and they stick with split training. Nonetheless, I highly advise implementing both full-body and split workouts (switched each week) in order to maximize your muscle growth potential and avoid hitting a plateau.