All of F45 Named workouts – A detailed guide


F45 Training is a global fitness program that offers 45-minute, high-intensity group sessions, blending HIIT, circuit training, and functional exercises. These workouts are divided into four main categories—Cardio, Resistance, Hybrid, and Recovery—so you can easily focus on your particular fitness goals. Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of the program’s named workouts, arranged by category, to help you discover different workout variations, including popular ones like the F45 High Rise.

In this section, you’ll find an in-depth look at all the named workouts F45 Training provides. We’ve drawn details from the official F45 website and other fitness resources so you can get a clear picture of each session’s focus. This breakdown should be especially helpful if you’re curious about specific sessions like the F45 High Rise or just want a broader understanding of what’s available.

Background and Context

Founded in Australia, F45 Training combines high-intensity interval training (HIIT), circuit routines, and functional exercises into focused 45-minute sessions that can burn between 400 and 600 calories. The program divides its workouts into four main types—Cardio, Resistance, Hybrid, and Recovery—each designed to target different fitness goals. Official sources, like the F45 Workouts page, mention over 5,000 curated workouts and 45 unique F45 classes, reflecting a complex system of variations. These “named workouts” often represent specialized formats within those broader classes.

If you’re curious about workouts such as the F45 High Rise, it’s important to note that F45 typically names entire workout formats rather than individual exercises. This guide focuses on exploring those named sessions in detail, helping you match them with your specific needs.


To build this list, we reviewed the F45 website’s pages for Cardio, Resistance, Hybrid, and Recovery. We extracted each named workout and cross-referenced external descriptions, such as Ohio University, to confirm their details. This thorough approach ensures you’ll get a complete snapshot of all available named workouts and what they entail.

Detailed Findings

Below you’ll find each named workout listed by category. The following tables provide a structured overview of their key highlights.

Cardio Workouts

Designed to boost endurance and burn fat, Cardio workouts emphasize plyometric exercises and interval training. Here are some of the options you can expect:

Workout NameDescription Highlights
Triple ThreatChallenging cardio, reps doubled in set 2, tripled in set 3
RedlineIntense, escalates work periods, short rests, boosts Lionheart scores
MarathonEndurance focus, uses bikes, rowers, longest working sets
Empire12 stations, 3 laps, team-training, combo-set cardio
AfterglowLadder style, combo stations, works heart rate in zone
22Infamous, longer sets, shorter rests, up to 1,000 calories burnt, total-body, core
AbacusCardio-focused, 6 stations, increasing/decreasing work time, fitness pyramid
AtheleticaWar against body fat, builds aerobic foundation, fat-burning zone, sculpts body
BearsExplosive plyometric, bodyweight, power and stability, longer work periods
BrixtonMMA, boxing, self-defense, taps cardiovascular reserves, lean fighting shape
BrooklynIntense, mimics boxer’s workout, high intensity, punches/kicks calories
DocklandsInterval training, longer/shorter work/rest periods, confuses body, builds endurance
FirestormFast, 27 stations, bodyweight/equipment, burns calories, builds balance, power
FoxtrotMaintains max cardio threshold, minimal heart rate drop, increases aerobic fitness
GravityImproves fitness, flexibility, mental toughness, plyometric, agility, aerobic
MVPCardio blast, exercises flip after first lap, never routine
PipelineZero rest, 9 waves, heart rate soars, burns over 850 calories
QuarterbacksReplicates NFL game, agility, resistance, power, offense/defense movements
TemplarsPartnered, 14 exercises, tests cardio endurance, mental strength, fun, competitive
Triple DoubleCrushes aerobic threshold, rapid fat loss, Tabata, post-workout oxygen store build
VarsityUltimate cardio test, three laps with different timings, innovative, enjoyable

Resistance Workouts

Resistance sessions are all about muscular strength and endurance. These workouts often incorporate functional movements to help you gain muscle and support bone density.

Workout NameDescription (Partial for Brevity)
Two FoldSplit resistance workout for Peak series, upper or lower, 6 sets to peak.
TitansElevated version of Romans, train with gods, raise strength capabilities.
WyvernSplit specific, tests courage, pre-fatigue and overloading techniques.
WingmanPartnered, superset and overload, controlled effective workout.
Tokyo DiscoOverload techniques, upper body in one pod, lower body in other.
The PistonAlternates upper/lower body, balanced full body strength.
LonestarUnilateral, movement twist, work around room, pivot opposite direction.
LibertyTime under tension, whole room syncs to tempo, focus on form.
IcebergIncreases muscular strength, paused-based movements, focus on technique.
GoatGreatest Of All Time, combo sets, target agonist/antagonist muscles, varying set times.
GeminiSplit-resistance, choose upper or lower, increased working sets, muscular overload.
Double DownCommit to overload, superset exercises, time under tension guide.
DeucesSplit-resistance, choose upper or lower, ignite fire within body.
BenchmarkResistance benchmark, work as team, find lifting capabilities, maximize strength goals.
AlphaHeavy-hitting trifecta of hypertrophy (muscle building). Through a tri-set combo and tiered demands at each exercise, members will feel the pump.
All StarMove faster, lift heavier, activate fast twitch fibers, strong lean muscle, enhanced athleticism.
Angry BirdDynamic, varied tempos, resistance, challenge upper, lower, core, keep body guessing.
MkatzDrop set workout, challenge muscles on different angles, timing, tempos.
Moon Hopper18-station resistance, test mind and body, intense circuit, cannot settle.
PanthersResistance-based, focus on overload, muscle fatigue and failure.
Pegasus45 minute HIIT resistance, break down muscles, bodyweight and abdominal sets.
Red DiamondExaggerated overload, tough, focus on tempo and range, guarantee muscle fatigue.
RenegadeHeavy compound lifts, muscular overload, super-setting heavy lifts, core active recovery.
RomansOriginal resistance, large compound lifts, maximum rest, lift heavy every set, stronger, powerful.

Hybrid Workouts

Hybrid workouts blend elements of cardio, strength, agility, and core exercises into one challenging session. This category includes well-known formats such as High Rise.

Workout NameDescription (Brief)
ApexHybrid rep-based superset workout, increase weight and intensity, climb and descend rep count.
TempestPod-based workout with Concept 2 equipment, team targets on screens, intense cardio.
The NinesResistance hybrid, alternates primary and secondary resistance exercises, pro athlete style.
The Wringer60-minute combo of team work and individual grit, new Saturday experience.
ValorUltimate hybrid team-based, AMRAP-style, work together for maximum points.
Track StarsPartner team effort, 60 minutes of resistance, bodyweight, functional, agility, plyometric movements.
The JokerBalanced hybrid, supersets of cardio, functional resistance, and core exercises.
Special Ops HollywoodMilitary-inspired, 60 minutes with combat readiness movements, team AMRAP finisher.
SoCal60 minutes of cardio, strength, agility, power, core, with team training finishers.
QuarterbacksAmerican Football-inspired, agility, resistance, power cardio, offense and defense.
NoHoSister to Hollywood/West Hollywood, 60 minutes, 18 stations, resistance, bodyweight, etc.
High RiseBlends traditional and new styles, quicker paced sets, old school lifting.
Heroes Hollywood60-minute partnered session, grueling, supports global fundraising.
CheckmateNew session, one pod each of cardio, resistance, AMRAP with group work.
3-PeatIntense, tests power, agility, cardio, rep counting, goal setting for improvements.
HollywoodClimax of week, 60 minutes, best of strength, cardio, agility, speed, high energy.
LoyalsHybrid, 2:1 cardio to resistance, tests muscle endurance and aerobic threshold.
Miami NightsFunctional hybrid, cardio, resistance, bodyweight, tests all participants.
Mont BlancSports-specific, skier movements, improves cardio, strength, flexibility, balance.
T1050/50 cardio/resistance, 10 stations, relentless heart rate, minimal core.
West HollywoodEndless benefits, friends, atmosphere, slight timing twist, weekend start.
WingmanInnovative, fun, demanding, uses overload technique, 35 seconds effort, safe format.

Recovery Workouts

Recovery workouts are designed to improve mobility and flexibility with gentle, low-impact exercises that also help correct posture and alignment.

Workout NameDescription Focus
FlowMobility-based, enhances overall movement ability
Mondrian 30Dynamic movements for relaxation, muscle lengthening
Calypso KingsPassive, static stretching for flexibility, posture

Analysis and Observations

From this research, we identified a total of 69 named workouts—more than the 45 classes F45 officially references. This gap may mean that certain sessions are variations or specialized editions of existing classes. For example, in the Cardio category alone, 21 workouts are listed, each with its own distinctive spin.

An interesting note is that “Quarterbacks” appears in both Cardio and Hybrid categories, suggesting some workouts might adapt to different focuses or simply be organized differently in certain references. Officially, each workout likely falls under one primary category, with the overlap reflecting F45’s evolving approach.

Implications for Users

If you’re exploring F45 for the first time or looking to vary your routine, this list can guide you toward sessions aligned with your goals. Cardio classes help build endurance, Resistance classes focus on strength, Hybrid classes blend multiple elements for all-around fitness, and Recovery classes emphasize flexibility and mobility. The High Rise workout is a great option if you want a bit of everything, but availability may differ by location. Check your local F45 Studio Finder for schedules and booking details.


This overview reflects data available as of March 1, 2025. F45 may revise its workout names or categories over time, so the exact number of unique classes may change. To stay up to date, consult official F45 resources or your local studio.


These 69 named F45 workouts span four core categories—Cardio, Resistance, Hybrid, and Recovery—offering a robust resource for planning your fitness routine. Although F45 officially mentions 45 unique classes, the additional names highlight the program’s depth and variety. If you’re interested in trying any of these sessions, check out the official website or talk to your local studio about their latest offerings. As always, listen to your body and consider consulting a fitness professional to ensure safe progress on your fitness journey.

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